Change the breadcrumbs...

Version 1.0.0


Usefull notification messages

Even text here, yes you can..

More text here...

Hi there...

I am a inline alert box and you can use me as an warning, error, info and success alert. Usage: .alert-inline-top.


Custom made plugin that provides a lockscreen solution. You can choose out 3 different types of unlocking.

Button type Form type Slider type Target
Lock the screen

This is a cool way to lock the screen(target or complete screen), once activated you only can unlock the screen by dragging a button to a certain value(this example 100), just clicking on a button or enter your password(form). Notice that this plugin only provides the unlocking type, the box is custom made and can be changed. For some visualisation effect we have added some loaders.


Custom made plugin that ads a tiny animated progressbar to the body when the site loads.

Target: body Target: this button
Animated progresbar

At defaulf the nanoGress bar is attached to the body, but you can change this.



Custom made jQuery notification plugin.

Sticky(effect: fade) Auto hide Only text Max 6 open Custom class Callbacks Remove all

You can use cool grow notification messages to show your information. This growl come's with several options.

Basic No opacity & other position Callbacks

Show a loader on the site, this way you can tell your users that something is happening.

Top Bottom Target Auto hide Callbacks Remove all

Use notifications and show them at different postions. Notice that these are not de default bootstrap alerts.

Attention box

A basic container with a left border color.


Morbi non tellus faucibus, ultricies ante dignissim, tempus lacus. Fusce pharetra nec diam ut volutpat. Morbi pharetra turpis nulla. Aliquam placerat porta lorem, eget pellentesque velit lobortis a. In molestie elit arcu, a commodo nunc commodo pretium. Suspendisse placerat ante eget sagittis ornare. Morbi viverra tellus urna, non rhoncus ligula dictum a. Vivamus viverra rhoncus nisl id eleifend. Aliquam eu eleifend metus.


Morbi non tellus faucibus, ultricies ante dignissim, tempus lacus. Fusce pharetra nec diam ut volutpat. Morbi pharetra turpis nulla. Aliquam placerat porta lorem, eget pellentesque velit lobortis a. In molestie elit arcu, a commodo nunc commodo pretium. Suspendisse placerat ante eget sagittis ornare. Morbi viverra tellus urna, non rhoncus ligula dictum a. Vivamus viverra rhoncus nisl id eleifend. Aliquam eu eleifend metus.


Morbi non tellus faucibus, ultricies ante dignissim, tempus lacus. Fusce pharetra nec diam ut volutpat. Morbi pharetra turpis nulla. Aliquam placerat porta lorem, eget pellentesque velit lobortis a. In molestie elit arcu, a commodo nunc commodo pretium. Suspendisse placerat ante eget sagittis ornare. Morbi viverra tellus urna, non rhoncus ligula dictum a. Vivamus viverra rhoncus nisl id eleifend. Aliquam eu eleifend metus.


Morbi non tellus faucibus, ultricies ante dignissim, tempus lacus. Fusce pharetra nec diam ut volutpat. Morbi pharetra turpis nulla. Aliquam placerat porta lorem, eget pellentesque velit lobortis a. In molestie elit arcu, a commodo nunc commodo pretium. Suspendisse placerat ante eget sagittis ornare. Morbi viverra tellus urna, non rhoncus ligula dictum a. Vivamus viverra rhoncus nisl id eleifend. Aliquam eu eleifend metus.


Morbi non tellus faucibus, ultricies ante dignissim, tempus lacus. Fusce pharetra nec diam ut volutpat. Morbi pharetra turpis nulla. Aliquam placerat porta lorem, eget pellentesque velit lobortis a. In molestie elit arcu, a commodo nunc commodo pretium. Suspendisse placerat ante eget sagittis ornare. Morbi viverra tellus urna, non rhoncus ligula dictum a. Vivamus viverra rhoncus nisl id eleifend. Aliquam eu eleifend metus.

Good to see you agian...

I am a inline alert box and you can use me as an warning, error, info and success alert. Usage: .alert-inline-mid.

Bootstrap modal

Modals are streamlined, but flexible, dialog prompts with the minimum required functionality and smart defaults.

Default Form Elements

We just show you a couple of basic modals, but you can use the modals in several ways with almost ervery kind of content.



Bootbox.js is a small JavaScript library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Twitter's Bootstrap modals, without having to worry about creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS event handlers. Here's the simplest possible example.

Alert Confirm Prompt

Notice we have resized the modals, so they are not the same size as the the bootstrap default modals.


Bootstrap alerts

Wrap any text and an optional dismiss button in .alert for a basic warning alert message.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel interdum tellus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel interdum tellus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel interdum tellus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel interdum tellus.


Bootstrap has 2 kind of notfications layouts, small and big, we have extended the big one with 3 extra classes so that you can position them without any margin.

I am the last one...

I am a inline alert box and you can use me as an warning, error, info and success alert. Usage: .alert-inline-bottom.