Version 1.0.0

Basic elements

Different form elements with (new) input types's, attributes and more. No plugins are used in this section!

New HTML5 Input Types

HTML5 has a couple of new input type's, which are pretty usefull, but not all browsers do support them (yet) so we only use the best supported new types like email, url, tel.

New HTML5 Attribute

Ads an text label to the input it self. We have included an jQuery fallback for older browsers.

New HTML5 Attribute

This can be used in combination with CSS3 to validate form without Javascript. You can see this in action by clicking on the 'plugins' tab.

New HTML5 Attribute

Maxlength allows an max length of characters in a input or textarea field.

New HTML5 Attribute

The first input in the source order that has the autofocus attribute will be focused on page load.


You can use the disabled attribute to disable form elements.

CSS3 styled types

We have used a pretty cool way to style radio and checkbox buttons, with nothing more than css(inc image sprite and browser fallback).

CSS3 styled types

You can use different styling to style a radio/checkbox.


You can use the disabled attribute to disable form elements.

CSS3 styled types

We have used a pretty cool way to style radio and checkbox buttons, with nothing more than css(inc image sprite and browser fallback).


You can use the disabled attribute to disable form elements.

Textarea resizing

At default textarea's are rezisable but only vertical.

Textarea resizing

By adding a class you can disable the resizing of the texarea.

New HTML5 Attribute

Maxlength is a new attribute that sets an maxlength to a input or textarea. This attribute is supported by all modern browsers.


You can use the disabled attribute to disable form elements.


This is the default un-styled select element(styled can be found in the plugins tab).

New HTML5 Attribute

This can be used in combination with CSS3 to validate form without Javascript. You can see this in action by clicking on the 'examples' tab.


You can use the disabled attribute to disable form elements.

Group related options

You can group related options by using the optgroup element.

Size attribute

Set an value on how many options you want to show. Notice: as this is NOT a multiple select field you can only select just 1 option.


Allow multiple options to be selected.


You can use the disabled attribute to disable form elements.

Group related options

You can group related options by using the optgroup element.

Size attribute

Set an value on how many options you want to show.

File type

This is the default un-styled file type input(styled can be found below).


You can use the disabled attribute to disable form elements.

New HTML5 Attribute

In HTML5 you can filter(accept) certain file extentions. This example only accepts images.

New HTML5 Attribute

File inputs can now have the multiple attribute which allow for multiple files to be selected from the file browser.


There are a couple of powerfull form related plugins in this theme, from styling to management to helpers.

HTML5 validation and autosave

HTML5 form with CSS3 validation that works on input fields(include checkbox and radio), select and textarea's. The auto save plugin saves every xxxx seconds the content of the form into the localstorage so that if something happens to the page before the form has been send it will restore all the entered value's. You can set an save time(in seconds) which is used to save the data every xxxx seconds and a expire after time(minutes) which means that the data will only be available for xxxx minutes.


Choose 1 or more tags!

The nature of your business?


Chained inputs

This plugin allows you to group or chain inputs together so that if the max length is reached it automatically goes to the next input in the group.

Chained inputs

This example will blur the last input once it has reached the max length(this option can be set to true or false).


Checkbox toggle

Select or un-select all checkbox inputs in an certain area. This plugin does support keyboard events(shift key).

2 Checkboxes selected.
Mass toggle

Mass check/un-check large amount of checkboxes inside a form.


You can check all checkboxes upon start by just adding the checked attribut to the trigger checkbox.


Flyout search

A hidden flyout search field. Notice: this isn't a plugin, but a couple of lines of jQuery.


If clicked the search field will flyout on the leftside.


You can group the flyout search with buttons and dropdowns/dropups.


Simple Select

Lightweight select styling plugin with no options(just 1 callback function). Notice this will not work with the attribute 'multiple'.


Dont want to use a big select styling plugin like select2 use this one instead as this is a lightweight styling plugin with no options.


Auto expand

A lightweight auto expand plugin that allows you to expand an textarea.


Expand a textarea to a set height on focus, and let it go back to it's original size on blur.


The height can be set by the plugin or per textarea with an dataset attribute.


Show password

A simple show password input field.

Bootstrap datepicker

Powerfull dropdown calendar plugin. This plugin has a couple of options and settings, we just show you the basics.

Button trigger

This example is disabled and the calendar is trigger by the button right.


Bootstrap file upload

Easy to use styled file inputs.

Select file Change Remove
File upload

This plugin allows you to upload files just like a file input. The example above is build with a grid layout.

Select image Change Remove

Show a preview of the uploaded images. Notice! Image preview only works in IE10+, FF3.6+, Chrome6.0+ and Opera11.1+. In older browsers and Safari, the filename is shown instead.


Bootstrap masked inputs

Only allow specific formats in inputs.

Masked input

Input masks can be used to force the user to enter data conform a specific format. Unlike validation, the user can't enter any other key than the ones specified by the mask.

Masked input

Input masks can be used to force the user to enter data conform a specific format. Unlike validation, the user can't enter any other key than the ones specified by the mask.

Masked input

Input masks can be used to force the user to enter data conform a specific format. Unlike validation, the user can't enter any other key than the ones specified by the mask.



Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.

Styled select

Very basic styled select form, with search field. We have choosen to transform select field with a class, this way if there is no room for the plugin you can use the un-styled select fields.

Styled select

Very basic styled select form, with search field. We have choosen to transform select field with a class, this way if there is no room for the plugin you can use the un-styled select fields.



Add color picker to field or to any other element.

Color picker

Hook a color picker to a basic text input and show it on click.

Color picker

Build a colorpicker component that shows a colorpicker if you click on the button, and show a small color thumb.



Easily select a time for a text input using your mouse or keyboards arrow keys.

Timer picker

Cool dropdown time picker. This plugin has a couple of options to manage the time picker.


A lightweight, highly customisable slider without bloat. Supports Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer 7 to 10. It also supports touch on capable devices, such as iPhone, iPad and Windows 8 and Android devices.

Range slider

Basic horizontal range slider.


Change the direction of the range slider.


You can use the range slider to act like an toggle switch.

Bind to fields

You can bind the range slider to several fields, this way you can see the values.

- to -
Bind to fields

You can bind the range slider to several fields, this way you can see the values.


Use steps to get/set a value.

Group sliders

Group a couple of range sliders to make a nice control panel.


jQuery Autosize

A plugin to enable automatic height for textarea elements.


Automatic height for textarea elements.


Password meter

A jQuery plugin to indicate the strength of passwords.

Passwword strenght meter

Shows a colored bar below the password input.


Adding on top of existing browser controls, Bootstrap includes other useful form components.

Extending inputs

Prepend elements to a input, for example text or an icon.
Extending inputs

Append elements to a input, for example text or an icon.

$ .00
Extending inputs

Combined appending and prepending element to a input, for example text or an icon.

Extending inputs

Append/prepend a checkbox/radio button to the input.

Extending inputs

Append/prepend a checkbox/radio button to the input.

Extending inputs

Append a extra button to the input.

Extending inputs

Append a multiple buttons to the input,

Extending inputs

Prepend a multiple buttons to the input,

Extending inputs

Prepend a dropdown to a input.

Extending inputs

Append a dropdown to a input.

Extending inputs

Append and prepend a dropdown to a input.

Form element sizing

You can use several relative sizes for form elements. Notice: we have used the sizing for large screens (*-lg-*).

Form element sizing

You can use the grid classes to build a grid based layout for form elements. Notice: we have used the sizing for large screens (*-lg-*).

Form element sizing

Bootstrap includes validation styles for error, warning, info, and success messages.