Version 1.0.0

Buttons & Icons

Bootstrap buttons

Button styles can be applied to anything with the .btn class applied. However, typically you'll want to apply these to only <a> and <button> elements for the best rendering.

Bootstrap buttons

Use bootstraps default buttons with colors.

Button size

fancy larger or smaller buttons?

Block level

Need a full width button, use the block level class.

Grouped buttons

You can group buttons together

Grouped vertical

Make a set of buttons appear vertically stacked rather than horizontally.


Square buttons

Custom made square buttons which can contain labels and indicators.











Icon and text

Easy to use big squared buttons with text and icons. These buttons can hold an indicator or a corner label(with icon).

Icon only

Easy to use small squared buttons with only an icon. These buttons can hold an indicator or a corner label.


Group square buttons.


Round buttons

Custom made round buttons which can contain a indicator.











Text & icon

Easy to use big round buttons with text and icons. These buttons can hold a indicator.

Icon only

Easy to use big round buttons with an icon. These buttons can hold a indicator.

Button round

This class will transform the bootstrap button into an round button.


Brand colors

Build your own brand buttons. The brands are limited at this moment as they are combined with the icon pack.

  Like this page Like this page

Build your own facebook button.

  Follow me Follow me Retweet

Build your own twitter button.

  Sign in with linkedin Sign in with linkedin

Build your own linkedin button.

  Sign in with google + Sign in with google +
Google +

Build your own google + button.

  Follow me on pinterest Follow me on pinterest

Build your own pinterest button.


Misc buttons

Other usefull buttons and other stuff.

Comments 5

Show indicators and numbers.


font Awesome

The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap. These icons can be used in many ways.

fa-glass (&#xf000;)
fa-music (&#xf001;)
fa-search (&#xf002;)
fa-envelope-o (&#xf003;)
fa-heart (&#xf004;)
fa-star (&#xf005;)
fa-star-o (&#xf006;)
fa-user (&#xf007;)
fa-film (&#xf008;)
fa-th-large (&#xf009;)
fa-th (&#xf00a;)
fa-th-list (&#xf00b;)
fa-check (&#xf00c;)
fa-times (&#xf00d;)
fa-search-plus (&#xf00e;)
fa-search-minus (&#xf010;)
fa-power-off (&#xf011;)
fa-signal (&#xf012;)
fa-cog (&#xf013;)
fa-trash-o (&#xf014;)
fa-home (&#xf015;)
fa-file-o (&#xf016;)
fa-clock-o (&#xf017;)
fa-road (&#xf018;)
fa-download (&#xf019;)
fa-arrow-circle-o-down (&#xf01a;)
fa-arrow-circle-o-up (&#xf01b;)
fa-inbox (&#xf01c;)
fa-play-circle-o (&#xf01d;)
fa-repeat (&#xf01e;)
fa-refresh (&#xf021;)
fa-list-alt (&#xf022;)
fa-lock (&#xf023;)
fa-flag (&#xf024;)
fa-headphones (&#xf025;)
fa-volume-off (&#xf026;)
fa-volume-down (&#xf027;)
fa-volume-up (&#xf028;)
fa-qrcode (&#xf029;)
fa-barcode (&#xf02a;)
fa-tag (&#xf02b;)
fa-tags (&#xf02c;)
fa-book (&#xf02d;)
fa-bookmark (&#xf02e;)
fa-print (&#xf02f;)
fa-camera (&#xf030;)
fa-font (&#xf031;)
fa-bold (&#xf032;)
fa-italic (&#xf033;)
fa-text-height (&#xf034;)
fa-text-width (&#xf035;)
fa-align-left (&#xf036;)
fa-align-center (&#xf037;)
fa-align-right (&#xf038;)
fa-align-justify (&#xf039;)
fa-list (&#xf03a;)
fa-outdent (&#xf03b;)
fa-indent (&#xf03c;)
fa-video-camera (&#xf03d;)
fa-picture-o (&#xf03e;)
fa-pencil (&#xf040;)
fa-map-marker (&#xf041;)
fa-adjust (&#xf042;)
fa-tint (&#xf043;)
fa-pencil-square-o (&#xf044;)
fa-share-square-o (&#xf045;)
fa-check-square-o (&#xf046;)
fa-move (&#xf047;)
fa-step-backward (&#xf048;)
fa-fast-backward (&#xf049;)
fa-backward (&#xf04a;)
fa-play (&#xf04b;)
fa-pause (&#xf04c;)
fa-stop (&#xf04d;)
fa-forward (&#xf04e;)
fa-fast-forward (&#xf050;)
fa-step-forward (&#xf051;)
fa-eject (&#xf052;)
fa-chevron-left (&#xf053;)
fa-chevron-right (&#xf054;)
fa-plus-circle (&#xf055;)
fa-minus-circle (&#xf056;)
fa-times-circle (&#xf057;)
fa-check-circle (&#xf058;)
fa-question-circle (&#xf059;)
fa-info-circle (&#xf05a;)
fa-crosshairs (&#xf05b;)
fa-times-circle-o (&#xf05c;)
fa-check-circle-o (&#xf05d;)
fa-ban (&#xf05e;)
fa-arrow-left (&#xf060;)
fa-arrow-right (&#xf061;)
fa-arrow-up (&#xf062;)
fa-arrow-down (&#xf063;)
fa-share (&#xf064;)
fa-resize-full (&#xf065;)
fa-resize-small (&#xf066;)
fa-plus (&#xf067;)
fa-minus (&#xf068;)
fa-asterisk (&#xf069;)
fa-exclamation-circle (&#xf06a;)
fa-gift (&#xf06b;)
fa-leaf (&#xf06c;)
fa-fire (&#xf06d;)
fa-eye (&#xf06e;)
fa-eye-slash (&#xf070;)
fa-exclamation-triangle (&#xf071;)
fa-plane (&#xf072;)
fa-calendar (&#xf073;)
fa-random (&#xf074;)
fa-comment (&#xf075;)
fa-magnet (&#xf076;)
fa-chevron-up (&#xf077;)
fa-chevron-down (&#xf078;)
fa-retweet (&#xf079;)
fa-shopping-cart (&#xf07a;)
fa-folder (&#xf07b;)
fa-folder-open (&#xf07c;)
fa-resize-vertical (&#xf07d;)
fa-resize-horizontal (&#xf07e;)
fa-bar-chart-o (&#xf080;)
fa-twitter-square (&#xf081;)
fa-facebook-square (&#xf082;)
fa-camera-retro (&#xf083;)
fa-key (&#xf084;)
fa-cogs (&#xf085;)
fa-comments (&#xf086;)
fa-thumbs-o-up (&#xf087;)
fa-thumbs-o-down (&#xf088;)
fa-star-half (&#xf089;)
fa-heart-o (&#xf08a;)
fa-sign-out (&#xf08b;)
fa-linkedin-square (&#xf08c;)
fa-thumb-tack (&#xf08d;)
fa-external-link (&#xf08e;)
fa-sign-in (&#xf090;)
fa-trophy (&#xf091;)
fa-github-square (&#xf092;)
fa-upload (&#xf093;)
fa-lemon-o (&#xf094;)
fa-phone (&#xf095;)
fa-square-o (&#xf096;)
fa-bookmark-o (&#xf097;)
fa-phone-square (&#xf098;)
fa-twitter (&#xf099;)
fa-facebook (&#xf09a;)
fa-github (&#xf09b;)
fa-unlock (&#xf09c;)
fa-credit-card (&#xf09d;)
fa-rss (&#xf09e;)
fa-hdd (&#xf0a0;)
fa-bullhorn (&#xf0a1;)
fa-bell (&#xf0f3;)
fa-certificate (&#xf0a3;)
fa-hand-o-right (&#xf0a4;)
fa-hand-o-left (&#xf0a5;)
fa-hand-o-up (&#xf0a6;)
fa-hand-o-down (&#xf0a7;)
fa-arrow-circle-left (&#xf0a8;)
fa-arrow-circle-right (&#xf0a9;)
fa-arrow-circle-up (&#xf0aa;)
fa-arrow-circle-down (&#xf0ab;)
fa-globe (&#xf0ac;)
fa-wrench (&#xf0ad;)
fa-tasks (&#xf0ae;)
fa-filter (&#xf0b0;)
fa-briefcase (&#xf0b1;)
fa-fullscreen (&#xf0b2;)
fa-group (&#xf0c0;)
fa-link (&#xf0c1;)
fa-cloud (&#xf0c2;)
fa-flask (&#xf0c3;)
fa-scissors (&#xf0c4;)
fa-files-o (&#xf0c5;)
fa-paperclip (&#xf0c6;)
fa-floppy-o (&#xf0c7;)
fa-square (&#xf0c8;)
fa-reorder (&#xf0c9;)
fa-list-ul (&#xf0ca;)
fa-list-ol (&#xf0cb;)
fa-strikethrough (&#xf0cc;)
fa-underline (&#xf0cd;)
fa-table (&#xf0ce;)
fa-magic (&#xf0d0;)
fa-truck (&#xf0d1;)
fa-pinterest (&#xf0d2;)
fa-pinterest-square (&#xf0d3;)
fa-google-plus-square (&#xf0d4;)
fa-google-plus (&#xf0d5;)
fa-money (&#xf0d6;)
fa-caret-down (&#xf0d7;)
fa-caret-up (&#xf0d8;)
fa-caret-left (&#xf0d9;)
fa-caret-right (&#xf0da;)
fa-columns (&#xf0db;)
fa-sort (&#xf0dc;)
fa-sort-asc (&#xf0dd;)
fa-sort-desc (&#xf0de;)
fa-envelope (&#xf0e0;)
fa-linkedin (&#xf0e1;)
fa-undo (&#xf0e2;)
fa-gavel (&#xf0e3;)
fa-tachometer (&#xf0e4;)
fa-comment-o (&#xf0e5;)
fa-comments-o (&#xf0e6;)
fa-bolt (&#xf0e7;)
fa-sitemap (&#xf0e8;)
fa-umbrella (&#xf0e9;)
fa-clipboard (&#xf0ea;)
fa-lightbulb-o (&#xf0eb;)
fa-exchange (&#xf0ec;)
fa-cloud-download (&#xf0ed;)
fa-cloud-upload (&#xf0ee;)
fa-user-md (&#xf0f0;)
fa-stethoscope (&#xf0f1;)
fa-suitcase (&#xf0f2;)
fa-bell-o (&#xf0a2;)
fa-coffee (&#xf0f4;)
fa-cutlery (&#xf0f5;)
fa-file-text-o (&#xf0f6;)
fa-building (&#xf0f7;)
fa-hospital (&#xf0f8;)
fa-ambulance (&#xf0f9;)
fa-medkit (&#xf0fa;)
fa-fighter-jet (&#xf0fb;)
fa-beer (&#xf0fc;)
fa-h-square (&#xf0fd;)
fa-plus-square (&#xf0fe;)
fa-angle-double-left (&#xf100;)
fa-angle-double-right (&#xf101;)
fa-angle-double-up (&#xf102;)
fa-angle-double-down (&#xf103;)
fa-angle-left (&#xf104;)
fa-angle-right (&#xf105;)
fa-angle-up (&#xf106;)
fa-angle-down (&#xf107;)
fa-desktop (&#xf108;)
fa-laptop (&#xf109;)
fa-tablet (&#xf10a;)
fa-mobile (&#xf10b;)
fa-circle-o (&#xf10c;)
fa-quote-left (&#xf10d;)
fa-quote-right (&#xf10e;)
fa-spinner (&#xf110;)
fa-circle (&#xf111;)
fa-reply (&#xf112;)
fa-github-alt (&#xf113;)
fa-folder-o (&#xf114;)
fa-folder-open-o (&#xf115;)
fa-expand-o (&#xf116;)
fa-collapse-o (&#xf117;)
fa-smile-o (&#xf118;)
fa-frown-o (&#xf119;)
fa-meh-o (&#xf11a;)
fa-gamepad (&#xf11b;)
fa-keyboard-o (&#xf11c;)
fa-flag-o (&#xf11d;)
fa-flag-checkered (&#xf11e;)
fa-terminal (&#xf120;)
fa-code (&#xf121;)
fa-reply-all (&#xf122;)
fa-mail-reply-all (&#xf122;)
fa-star-half-o (&#xf123;)
fa-location-arrow (&#xf124;)
fa-crop (&#xf125;)
fa-code-fork (&#xf126;)
fa-chain-broken (&#xf127;)
fa-question (&#xf128;)
fa-info (&#xf129;)
fa-exclamation (&#xf12a;)
fa-superscript (&#xf12b;)
fa-subscript (&#xf12c;)
fa-eraser (&#xf12d;)
fa-puzzle-piece (&#xf12e;)
fa-microphone (&#xf130;)
fa-microphone-slash (&#xf131;)
fa-shield (&#xf132;)
fa-calendar-o (&#xf133;)
fa-fire-extinguisher (&#xf134;)
fa-rocket (&#xf135;)
fa-maxcdn (&#xf136;)
fa-chevron-circle-left (&#xf137;)
fa-chevron-circle-right (&#xf138;)
fa-chevron-circle-up (&#xf139;)
fa-chevron-circle-down (&#xf13a;)
fa-html5 (&#xf13b;)
fa-css3 (&#xf13c;)
fa-anchor (&#xf13d;)
fa-unlock-o (&#xf13e;)
fa-bullseye (&#xf140;)
fa-ellipsis-horizontal (&#xf141;)
fa-ellipsis-vertical (&#xf142;)
fa-rss-square (&#xf143;)
fa-play-circle (&#xf144;)
fa-ticket (&#xf145;)
fa-minus-square (&#xf146;)
fa-minus-square-o (&#xf147;)
fa-level-up (&#xf148;)
fa-level-down (&#xf149;)
fa-check-square (&#xf14a;)
fa-pencil-square (&#xf14b;)
fa-external-link-square (&#xf14c;)
fa-share-square (&#xf14d;)
fa-compass (&#xf14e;)
fa-caret-square-o-down (&#xf150;)
fa-caret-square-o-up (&#xf151;)
fa-caret-square-o-right (&#xf152;)
fa-eur (&#xf153;)
fa-gbp (&#xf154;)
fa-usd (&#xf155;)
fa-inr (&#xf156;)
fa-jpy (&#xf157;)
fa-rub (&#xf158;)
fa-krw (&#xf159;)
fa-btc (&#xf15a;)
fa-file (&#xf15b;)
fa-file-text (&#xf15c;)
fa-sort-alpha-asc (&#xf15d;)
fa-sort-alpha-desc (&#xf15e;)
fa-sort-amount-asc (&#xf160;)
fa-sort-amount-desc (&#xf161;)
fa-sort-numeric-asc (&#xf162;)
fa-sort-numeric-desc (&#xf163;)
fa-thumbs-up (&#xf164;)
fa-thumbs-down (&#xf165;)
fa-youtube-square (&#xf166;)
fa-youtube (&#xf167;)
fa-xing (&#xf168;)
fa-xing-square (&#xf169;)
fa-youtube-play (&#xf16a;)
fa-dropbox (&#xf16b;)
fa-stack-overflow (&#xf16c;)
fa-instagram (&#xf16d;)
fa-flickr (&#xf16e;)
fa-adn (&#xf170;)
fa-bitbucket (&#xf171;)
fa-bitbucket-square (&#xf172;)
fa-tumblr (&#xf173;)
fa-tumblr-square (&#xf174;)
fa-long-arrow-down (&#xf175;)
fa-long-arrow-up (&#xf176;)
fa-long-arrow-left (&#xf177;)
fa-long-arrow-right (&#xf178;)
fa-apple (&#xf179;)
fa-windows (&#xf17a;)
fa-android (&#xf17b;)
fa-linux (&#xf17c;)
fa-dribbble (&#xf17d;)
fa-skype (&#xf17e;)
fa-foursquare (&#xf180;)
fa-trello (&#xf181;)
fa-female (&#xf182;)
fa-male (&#xf183;)
fa-gittip (&#xf184;)
fa-sun-o (&#xf185;)
fa-moon-o (&#xf186;)
fa-archive (&#xf187;)
fa-bug (&#xf188;)
fa-vk (&#xf189;)
fa-weibo (&#xf18a;)
fa-renren (&#xf18b;)
fa-pagelines (&#xf18c;)
fa-stack-exchange (&#xf18d;)
fa-arrow-circle-o-right (&#xf18e;)
fa-arrow-circle-o-left (&#xf190;)
fa-caret-square-o-left (&#xf191;)
fa-dot-circle-o (&#xf192;)
fa-wheelchair (&#xf193;)
fa-vimeo-square (&#xf194;)
fa-try (&#xf195;)

Social icons

Colored social icons which comes in 3 different sizes (16, 24 and 32px) included the source files.


Flag icons

Colored flag icons which comes in 5 different sizes (16, 24, 32, 48 and 64px) and in 2 types(flat and shiny).