Version 1.2.1
December 15, 2015 v. 1.2.1

Version 1.2.1 is a quick update that contains some reported bugs fixes and plugins update. Nothing new is added since this is an addition to global 1.2 version. Important milestone for 1.3 version is footer and container height enhancements - jquery solution for calculating minimum container height will be replaced with pure CSS.

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Bootstrap file input - to the latest version
[updated]  Select2 - from RC1 to stable 4.0.1 version

// # List of fixed bugs
// ------------------------------

// Core fixes
[fixed]  Documentation - correct release date on main page, fixed path to globalize/ library, gulp plugins to install
[fixed]  Navbar - added sticky sidebar top spacing if used with fixed top single navbar. To be enhanced in 1.3
[fixed]  Fixed sidebar and navbar - removed unnecessary affix code from the page

// Components fixes
[fixed]  Centered timeline - extra dots on desktop
[fixed]  Datatables Select extension - checkboxes are not selectable
[fixed]  Datatables Autofill and Select - wrong columns sorting in examples with checkboxes
[fixed]  Select2 selects - selected text overlaps arrow in single select
[fixed]  Select2 selects validation - wrong error/success label placement
Version 1.2
December 2, 2015 v. 1.2

Version 1.2 includes bug fixing for reported issues, new components and updated plugins/libraries to the latest stable versions. Also i've included gulp file to simplify development process, including package.json file. New components added: Handsontable library, Dragula drag and drop library, full set of jQuery UI components, new Select2 version and updated examples, full set of Datatables extensions and new login pages. Changes in this update affect all layouts, both LTR and RTL directions.

// # List of new components
// ------------------------------

[new]  Handsontable - excel-like spreadsheet for apps
[new]  Dragula - drag and drop library
[new]  jQuery UI - full set of components
[new]  Row Reorder - Datatables extension
[new]  Fixed Header - Datatables extension
[new]  Auto Fill - Datatables extension
[new]  Key Table - Datatables extension
[new]  Select - Datatables extension
[new]  Buttons - Datatables extension
[new]  Login/registration form with validation
[new]  Login/registration forms inside modals
[new]  Login/registration form inside tabs
[new]  Vertical navigation with labels and badges
[new]  Ion Range Sliders - responsive range slider library
[new]  gulpfile.js and package.json for Gulp task runner

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Bootstrap library - to version 3.3.6
[updated]  jQuery UI library - to the latest version (1.11.4)
[updated]  Select2 - to version 4.0.1, including examples
[updated]  Sweet Alerts - to the latest version, including examples
[updated]  Datatables - to the latest version (1.10.10)
[updated]  Daterangepicker - to the latest version (2.1.13)
[updated]  NoUI sliders library - to the latest version (8.1.0)
[updated]  Velocity animations library - to the latest version (1.2.3 and 5.0.4)
[updated]  i18next internationalization library - to the latest version (1.11.1)

// # List of fixed bugs
// ------------------------------

// Core fixes
[fixed]  Filled page header - extra scroll when content height is smaller than page height (2nd, 3rd and 4th layouts)
[fixed]  Vertical navigation sizing in Mini sidebar mode (wrong top spacing in sub menu)
[fixed]  Added missing margin and padding helper classes to the helpers table

// Components fixes
[fixed]  Login/registration and error pages - jump on page load
[fixed]  Removed modals with remote source as deprecated in 3.3.0 version (to be replaced with AJAX modals)
[fixed]  Badges now have transparent background color by default - no dependency on parent container bg color
[fixed]  Form wizard with validation - doesn’t go to the second step when all inputs filled
[fixed]  Daterangepicker picker - invisible text in selects
[fixed]  Incorrect date format in daterangepicker in RTL version
[fixed]  Daterange single date picker extra horizontal spacing
[fixed]  Fancybox lightbox jumps to the top of the page on button click
[fixed]  Fancybox loading icon doesn't show up
[fixed]  Blockquote footer overlapping
[fixed]  NoUI slider RTL direction support
[fixed]  Bootstrap tags input RTL Typeahead input direction (appears in LTR direction)
[fixed]  jQuery UI datepicker selects wrong margin that causes stacking
[fixed]  Form control feedback icon inside input group is hidden on focus
[fixed]  Horizontal multi level menu with nice scroll causes js error, because initialized twice

// # List of enhancements
// ------------------------------

[enhanced]  Added extra styles for syntax highlighter, doesn't look so boring with stripes
[enhanced]  Re-structured less files for tables, now they more organized
[enhanced]  Changed structure of jQuery UI components and less files - grouped by widgets, effects, core and interactions
[enhanced]  jQueryUI and NoUI sliders default color changed from grey to dark blue

// # List of new pages
// ------------------------------

[new page] navigation_vertical_labels_badges.html
[new page] jqueryui_interactions.html
[new page] jqueryui_forms.html
[new page] jqueryui_components.html
[new page] jqueryui_navigation.html
[new page] extension_dnd.html
[new page] datatable_extension_row_reorder.html
[new page] datatable_extension_fixed_header.html
[new page] datatable_extension_autofill.html
[new page] datatable_extension_key_table.html
[new page] datatable_extension_select.html
[new page] datatable_extension_buttons_init.html
[new page] datatable_extension_buttons_flash.html
[new page] datatable_extension_buttons_print.html
[new page] datatable_extension_buttons_html5.html
[new page] handsontable_basic.html
[new page] handsontable_advanced.html
[new page] handsontable_cols.html
[new page] handsontable_cells.html
[new page] handsontable_types.html
[new page] handsontable_custom_checks.html
[new page] handsontable_ac_password.html
[new page] handsontable_search.html
[new page] handsontable_context.html
[new page] login_validation.html
[new page] login_tabbed.html
[new page] login_modals.html

// # List of removed components
// ------------------------------

[removed] TableTools - Datatables extension
[removed] ColVis - Datatables extension
Version 1.1
October 21, 2015 v. 1.1

First update is the most simplified and includes urgent bug fixes of core components, plugins and libraries. Also version 1.1 includes updates of some components to the latest stable versions. The only new thing here is RTL version of all 4 layouts, that support almost all available components and layout features. Below you can find general list of all changes and details about upgrading.

// # List of new components
// ------------------------------

[new]  RTL layout for all 4 main layout variations
[new]  bootbox.less - new LESS file for extended Bootstrap modal dialogs

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  CKEditor - latest version
[updated]  Select2 - latest 3.5.x version, 4.0 is coming
[updated]  Bootstrap Multiselect - latest version
[updated]  Datatables - latest version

// # List of fixed bugs
// ------------------------------

// Core fixes
[fixed]  Sidebar - side border overlaped content in light sidebar (layout 1 and 2)
[fixed]  Breadcrumbs - in colored version links had wrong background color on hover/active
[fixed]  Breadcrumbs - dropdown menu didn't have borders in breadcrumb line component
[fixed]  Labels - striped labels didn't have right border variation as supposed to
[fixed]  Navbars - unnecessary dropdown menu re-position in navbar component
[fixed]  Button groups - extra space between buttons in toolbar
[fixed]  Tables - extra border in framed table in responsive table container

// Components fixes
[fixed]  Bootstrap Select - wrong rounded corners inside input group
[fixed]  Bootstrap Select - no styling of dropdown menu
[fixed]  SelectBox - wrong rounded corners inside input group
[fixed]  Tags Input - input field didn't have bottom spacing
[fixed]  Typeahead - small menu width if text options are too short
[fixed]  Sweet alerts - title was too big for motification size
[fixed]  Anytime picker - wrong title margin and unnecessary close button
[fixed]  jQuery UI Datepicker - extra RTL-related code in less file
[fixed]  Fullcalendar - extra RTL-related code in less file
[fixed]  Chats - wrong variables in LESS file
[fixed]  Dropzone Uploader - success/error markers moved down in thumbnails is name is visible
[fixed]  Colors - default BS styles overrided text hover state
[fixed]  SelectBox page - extra panel control buttons
Initial release
October 1, 2015 v. 1.0
Limitless is in active development. All updates will be properly documented and explained, to make your upgrade process as easy as possible. In all new updates will be included: bug fixing, new functionality, plugins version control and code improvement. Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or requests!
What Quantity Description
Core files
Folders 268 Folders with files, excluding CKEditor and Starter kit folders
HTML files 249 Depending on layout, around 249 main HTML files in each layout
CSS files 7 4 main CSS files, 2 CSS for icon fonts and 1 animate.min.css animation library
LESS files 203 All LESS files, including Bootstrap core
JS files 896 All JS files, excluding starter kit and CKEditor folders
Image files 256 Logos, flag icons and notification icons
Other files
JSON files 23 Different demo data sources. For demo purposes
CSV files 11 Mainly for charts based on D3.js library. For demo purposes
TSV files 13 Mainly for charts based on D3.js library. For demo purposes
SWF files 3 Additional files for datatables TableTools extension and Plupload file uploader