ButtonsAll we need is buttons!


Generally this section not only shows the buttons, but the fact of our love to all details. All design elements — buttons, dropdowns, callouts, paragraphs and styled code snippets look harmonious and form a coherent whole.

Button with icons above

This is exclusive revision of BS buttons — buttons with big icons above text. Good example when you need to save horizontal space and pay user attention to specific actions.

<!-- Just wrap you button inside div -->
<div class=big-icons-buttons" ><div>

General Options

Use any of the available button classes to quickly create a styled button.

<!-- Standard button -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Default</button>

<!-- Provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Primary</button>

<!-- Indicates a successful or positive action -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success">Success</button>

<!-- Contextual button for informational alert messages -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-info">Info</button>

<!-- Indicates caution should be taken with this action -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Warning</button>

<!-- Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger">Danger</button>

<!-- Deemphasize a button by making it look like a link while maintaining button behavior -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-link">Link</button>


Fancy larger or smaller buttons? Add .btn-lg, .btn-sm, or .btn-xs for additional sizes.

  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Large button</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg">Large button</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Default button</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Default button</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">Small button</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Small button</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Extra small button</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs">Extra small button</button>

Create block level buttons—those that span the full width of a parent— by adding .btn-block.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block">Block level button</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block">Block level button</button>

Active state

Buttons will appear pressed (with a darker background, darker border, and inset shadow) when active. For <button> elements, this is done via :active. For <a> elements, it's done with .active. However, you may use .active on <button>s should you need to replicate the active state progammatically.

Button element

No need to add :active as it's a pseudo-class, but if you need to force the same appearance, go ahead and add .active.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg active">Primary button</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg active">Button</button>

Anchor element

Add the .active class to <a> buttons.

Primary link Link

<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg active" role="button">Primary link</a>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-lg active" role="button">Link</a>

Disabled state

Make buttons look unclickable by fading them back 50%.

Button element

Add the disabled attribute to <button> buttons.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" disabled="disabled">Primary button</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg" disabled="disabled">Button</button>

Cross-browser compatibility

If you add the disabled attribute to a <button>, Internet Explorer 9 and below will render text gray with a nasty text-shadow that we cannot fix.

Anchor element

Add the .disabled class to <a> buttons.

Primary link Link

<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg disabled" role="button">Primary link</a>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-lg disabled" role="button">Link</a>

We use .disabled as a utility class here, similar to the common .active class, so no prefix is required.

Link functionality not impacted

This class will only change the <a>'s appearance, not its functionality. Use custom JavaScript to disable links here.

Context-specific usage

While button classes can be used on <a> and <button> elements, only <button> elements are supported within our nav and navbar components.

Button tags

Use the button classes on an <a>, <button>, or <input> element.

<a class="btn btn-default" href="#" role="button">Link</a>
<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">Button</button>
<input class="btn btn-default" type="button" value="Input">
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Submit">

Cross-browser rendering

As a best practice, we highly recommend using the <button> element whenever possible to ensure matching cross-browser rendering.

Among other things, there's a Firefox bug that prevents us from setting the line-height of <input>-based buttons, causing them to not exactly match the height of other buttons on Firefox.

Button groups

Tooltips & popovers in button groups require special setting

When using tooltips or popovers on elements within a .btn-group, you'll have to specify the option container: 'body' to avoid unwanted side effects (such as the element growing wider and/or losing its rounded corners when the tooltip or popover is triggered).

Basic example

Wrap a series of buttons with .btn in .btn-group.

<div class="btn-group">
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Left</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Middle</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Right</button>

Button toolbar

Combine sets of <div class="btn-group"> into a <div class="btn-toolbar"> for more complex components.

<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar">
  <div class="btn-group">...</div>
  <div class="btn-group">...</div>
  <div class="btn-group">...</div>


Instead of applying button sizing classes to every button in a group, just add .btn-group-* to the .btn-group.

<div class="btn-group btn-group-lg">...</div>
<div class="btn-group">...</div>
<div class="btn-group btn-group-sm">...</div>
<div class="btn-group btn-group-xs">...</div>


Place a .btn-group within another .btn-group when you want dropdown menus mixed with a series of buttons.

<div class="btn-group">
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">1</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">2</button>

  <div class="btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
      <span class="caret"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
      <li><a href="#">Dropdown link</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Dropdown link</a></li>

Vertical variation

Make a set of buttons appear vertically stacked rather than horizontally. Split button dropdowns are not supported here.

<div class="btn-group-vertical">

Justified button groups

Make a group of buttons stretch at equal sizes to span the entire width of its parent. Also works with button dropdowns within the button group.

Handling borders

Due to the specific HTML and CSS used to justify buttons (namely display: table-cell), the borders between them are doubled. In regular button groups, margin-left: -1px is used to stack the borders instead of removing them. However, margin doesn't work with display: table-cell. As a result, depending on your customizations to Bootstrap, you may wish to remove or re-color the borders.

With <a> elements

Just wrap a series of .btns in .btn-group.btn-group-justified.

<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified">

With <button> elements

To use justified button groups with <button> elements, you must wrap each button in a button group. Most browsers don't properly apply our CSS for justification to <button> elements, but since we support button dropdowns, we can workaround that.

<div class="btn-group btn-group-justified">
  <div class="btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Left</button>
  <div class="btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Middle</button>
  <div class="btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Right</button>

Button dropdowns

Use any button to trigger a dropdown menu by placing it within a .btn-group and providing the proper menu markup.

Single button dropdowns

Turn a button into a dropdown toggle with some basic markup changes.

<!-- Single button -->
<div class="btn-group">
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
    Action <span class="caret"></span>
  <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
    <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
    <li class="divider"></li>
    <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>

Split button dropdowns

Similarly, create split button dropdowns with the same markup changes, only with a separate button.

<!-- Split button -->
<div class="btn-group">
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger">Action</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
    <span class="caret"></span>
    <span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span>
  <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
    <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
    <li class="divider"></li>
    <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>


Button dropdowns work with buttons of all sizes.

<!-- Large button group -->
<div class="btn-group">
  <button class="btn btn-default btn-lg dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">
    Large button <span class="caret"></span>
  <ul class="dropdown-menu">

<!-- Small button group -->
<div class="btn-group">
  <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">
    Small button <span class="caret"></span>
  <ul class="dropdown-menu">

<!-- Extra small button group -->
<div class="btn-group">
  <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">
    Extra small button <span class="caret"></span>
  <ul class="dropdown-menu">

Dropup variation

Trigger dropdown menus above elements by adding .dropup to the parent.

<div class="btn-group dropup">
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Dropup</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
    <span class="caret"></span>
    <span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span>
  <ul class="dropdown-menu">
    <!-- Dropdown menu links -->

Input groups

Extend form controls by adding text or buttons before, after, or on both sides of any text-based input. Use .input-group with an .input-group-addon to prepend or append elements to a single .form-control.

Cross-browser compatibility

Avoid using <select> elements here as they cannot be fully styled in WebKit browsers.

Tooltips & popovers in input groups require special setting

When using tooltips or popovers on elements within an .input-group, you'll have to specify the option container: 'body' to avoid unwanted side effects (such as the element growing wider and/or losing its rounded corners when the tooltip or popover is triggered).

Don't mix with other components

Do not mix form groups or grid column classes directly with input groups. Instead, nest the input group inside of the form group or grid-related element.

Basic example

Place one add-on or button on either side of an input. You may also place one on both sides of an input.

We do not support multiple add-ons on a single side.

We do not support multiple form-controls in a single input group.



$ .00
<div class="input-group">
  <span class="input-group-addon">@</span>
  <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Username">

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="text" class="form-control">
  <span class="input-group-addon">.00</span>

<div class="input-group">
  <span class="input-group-addon">$</span>
  <input type="text" class="form-control">
  <span class="input-group-addon">.00</span>


Add the relative form sizing classes to the .input-group itself and contents within will automatically resize—no need for repeating the form control size classes on each element.



<div class="input-group input-group-lg">
  <span class="input-group-addon">@</span>
  <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Username">

<div class="input-group">
  <span class="input-group-addon">@</span>
  <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Username">

<div class="input-group input-group-sm">
  <span class="input-group-addon">@</span>
  <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Username">

Checkboxes and radio addons

Place any checkbox or radio option within an input group's addon instead of text.

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-lg-6">
    <div class="input-group">
      <span class="input-group-addon">
        <input type="checkbox">
      <input type="text" class="form-control">
    </div><!-- /input-group -->
  </div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->
  <div class="col-lg-6">
    <div class="input-group">
      <span class="input-group-addon">
        <input type="radio">
      <input type="text" class="form-control">
    </div><!-- /input-group -->
  </div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->
</div><!-- /.row -->

Button addons

Buttons in input groups are a bit different and require one extra level of nesting. Instead of .input-group-addon, you'll need to use .input-group-btn to wrap the buttons. This is required due to default browser styles that cannot be overridden.

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-lg-6">
    <div class="input-group">
      <span class="input-group-btn">
        <button class="btn btn-default" type="button">Go!</button>
      <input type="text" class="form-control">
    </div><!-- /input-group -->
  </div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->
  <div class="col-lg-6">
    <div class="input-group">
      <input type="text" class="form-control">
      <span class="input-group-btn">
        <button class="btn btn-default" type="button">Go!</button>
    </div><!-- /input-group -->
  </div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->
</div><!-- /.row -->

Buttons with dropdowns

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-lg-6">
    <div class="input-group">
      <div class="input-group-btn">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Action <span class="caret"></span></button>
        <ul class="dropdown-menu">
          <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
          <li class="divider"></li>
          <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>
      </div><!-- /btn-group -->
      <input type="text" class="form-control">
    </div><!-- /input-group -->
  </div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->
  <div class="col-lg-6">
    <div class="input-group">
      <input type="text" class="form-control">
      <div class="input-group-btn">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Action <span class="caret"></span></button>
        <ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right">
          <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
          <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
          <li class="divider"></li>
          <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>
      </div><!-- /btn-group -->
    </div><!-- /input-group -->
  </div><!-- /.col-lg-6 -->
</div><!-- /.row -->

Segmented buttons

<div class="input-group">
  <div class="input-group-btn">
    <!-- Button and dropdown menu -->

  <input type="text" class="form-control">

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="text" class="form-control">
  <div class="input-group-btn">
    <!-- Button and dropdown menu -->