Boxed Layout
This template support boxed and fluid both type layout
All code structure will be same as fluid layout you have to replace just two classes
<!doctype html> <html> <head> </head> <body class="overlay-leftbar"> // leftbar-view instead overlay-leftbar for boxed layout <!--Topbar Start Here--> <header class="topbar clearfix"> </header> <!--Topbar End Here--> <!--Leftbar Start Here--> <aside class="leftbar"> </aside> <!--Leftbar End Here--> <!--Page Container Start Here--> <section class="main-container"> <div class="container"> // container-fluid instead container for boxed layout </div> </section> <!--Page Container End Here--> <!--Rightbar Start Here--> <aside class="rightbar"> </aside> <!--Rightbar End Here--> </body> </html>