Elen Adarna

Software Engineer
4975 Cambridge Road Miami Gardens, FL 33056
  • me@themepixels.com
  • (032) 1234 567
  • +63012 3456 789

Barbara Balashova

Software Engineer

About Me

Social media ninja. Pop culture enthusiast. Zombie fanatic. General tv evangelist.

Alcohol fanatic. Explorer. Passionate reader. Entrepreneur. Lifelong coffee advocate. Avid bacon aficionado. Travel evangelist.


San Francisco, CA, USA


Awesome Company, Inc.


+1 010 123 5678


Barbara Balashova

July 06, 2015 8:30am

As a web designer it’s your job to help users find their way to what they’re looking for. It can be easy to put the needs of your users to one side, but knowing your users, understanding their roles, goals, motives and behavior will confirm how you structure your navigation model. #information #design siddim.com

Source: http://goo.gl/QTccRE

Barbara Balashova

July 05, 2015 11:33pm

Improving the trustworthiness of a website can help improve its conversion rate, whether we’re talking about buying a product, downloading an ebook or subscribing to a newsletter. #trust #security

Source: http://goo.gl/LxDM8K

Barbara Balashova scheduled a meeting with Elen Adarna

July 06, 2015 8:30am

Telling Your Life Story: Memoir Workshop Series

Monday, July 06, 2015 - Tuesday, July 07, 2015
SF Bay Theater
San Francisco, California, USA

Barbara Balashova added new article from category UI Workflow

July 06, 2015 8:30am

Tips for Designing in the Browser

It's often thought that designing in the browser is a modern approach to web design. In fact, before the advent of tools such as Photoshop, there was little other choice --- http://goo.gl/SGfFJd

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Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.

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