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Material Design Soon

1 Left and 2 Right Sidebars

This page is another great example of the flexibility of the theme.

Here we have 1 left sidebar and 2 right sidebars and they are set up in 3 different ways for different purposes.

The functionality of the left sidebar we already covered here.

The first right sidebar can be toggled from the header and contais a toggle button for the second right sidebar.

It is intended to be a quick check sidebar for your most important stats and by expanding it you can see more information about them.

Don't forget you can style the sidebar content depending in what state they are (collapsed, compact or normal).

The second sidebars goal is to control your sites general settings.

Both of them are toggled between two states on all screen sizes, the first one between collapsed and normal and the second one between hidden and normal.

For more information please check out the documentation!

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