Plugin initialization Context menu initialization options
Using data attributes

Add data-toggle="context" to any element that needs a custom context menu. And point data-target attribute to your custom context menu.

<div data-toggle="context" data-target=".context-menu"></div>

<div class="context-menu">
	<ul class="dropdown-menu">
		<li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
		<li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
		<li class="divider"></li>
		<li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
Using Javascript

Also content menu can be initialized via JavaScript call. In this case data attributes are not required, target can be set in plugin configuration.

	before: function(e,context) {
		// execute code before context menu if shown
	onItem: function(context,e) {
		// execute on menu item selection
	scopes: 'tbody > tr'
Content attachment Panel and content elements attachment
Panel attachment
Current example demonstrates context menu attached to the whole panel. Add data-toggle="context" to the panel and point data-target attribute to the menu.
Element attachment
Current example demonstrates context menu attached to some element only instead of full panel. Right click on current panel title to see it in action
Inline attachment
Also context menu can be attached to the link or any other content elements like headings, paragraphs, span's, lists, labels, form components, buttons, button groups etc.
Exclude elements
Current example demonstrates context menu attached to the panel content, excluding <code>...</code> phrase tag. Try to right click on the code block.
Table attachment
Example with context menu attached to the whole table.
Row attachment
Example with context menu attached to the table row. Attached to the first row.
Cell attachment
Example with context menu attached to the table cell only. Attached to cells with links.
Table content attachment
Example with context menu attached to the table content. Attached to action icons.
Context menu options Dropdown menu options and colors
Dropdown submenu
Context dropdown menu supports multi level menus as it uses default Bootstrap dropdown-menu markup. As well as left sub menu direction using pull-left helper class.
Dropdown options
Since context dropdown menu supports default Bootstrap dropdown-menu markup, any existing menu options can be used: disabled items, icons, borders, dividers etc.
Dynamic replacement
Current example demonstrates context menu, which contains an item, modified dynamically using before: function () {...} plugin function.
Name on selection
Current example demonstrates context menu with function that shows menu name on item selection using onItem: function () {...} plugin function.
States color
Context menus support custom colors for active and hover states. Just add one or both .element-hover-* or .element-active-* classes to the context menu.
Solid color
Besides custom state colors, context dropdown menu supports predefined and custom solid background colors. Just add .bg-* class to the existing context menu.
Plugin events Context dropdown menu events
onShow event

Current example demonstrates context menu with This event fires immediately when the context dropdown menu is opened.

$('#myMenu').on('',function () {
	// do something...
onShown event

Current example demonstrates context menu with This event is fired when the dropdown has been made visible to the user.

$('#myMenu').on('',function () {
	// do something...
onHide event

Current example demonstrates context menu with This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called.

$('#myMenu').on('',function () {
	// do something...
onHidden event

Current example demonstrates context menu with This event is fired when the dropdown has finished being hidden from the user.

$('#myMenu').on('',function () {
	// do something...