Color Options

Dual listbox

Select2 Dropdowns

Bootstrap Select

Input MaxLength

The badge will show up by default when the remaining chars are 10 or less. Maximum length is 25
Do you want the badge to show up when there are 17 chars or less? Use the threshold option. threshold: 17
This is a complete example where all the options configured for the bootstrap-maxlength counter are setted. Please note: if the alwaysShow option is enabled, the thresholdoption is ignored.
The field counter can be positioned at the top, bottom, left or right. You can also place the maxlength indicator on the corners: bottom-right, top-right, top-left, bottom-left and centered-right. All you need to do is specify the placement option, with one of those strings.
Bootstrap maxlength supports textarea as well as inputs. Even on old IE.

Masked Input

DateTime Picker

Html Editors

jQuery Knob

Fuelux Spinners

disabled state
with max value:10
with step:5

Touch Spinners

example with decimal steps

Bootstrap Tags Input

Color Pickers