Financial Charts

Need graph for trading? Prices evolution? All Financial reports can easily be display with HighStock Charts: various periods, simple export tools.
You can find more infos about HighStock here: HighStock API

Financial Charts

Highstock lets you create stock or general timeline charts in pure JavaScript, including sophisticated navigation options like a small navigator series, preset date ranges, date picker, scrolling and panning.

Candles Charts

It works in all modern browsers including the iPhone/iPad and Internet Explorer from version 6. Standard browsers use SVG for the graphics rendering. In legacy Internet Explorer graphics are drawn using VML.

OHLC Charts

An open-high-low-close chart is a type of chart typically used to illustrate movements in the price of a financial instrument over time. Each vertical line on the chart shows the highest and lowest prices over one unit of time.

Range Charts

Highstock supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, scatter, OHLC, candlestick, flags, arearange, areasplinerange and columnrange chart types. Any of these can be combined in one chart.

Real Time Charts with Navigator

Highstock is very intelligent about time values. With milliseconds axis units, Highstock determines where to place the ticks so that they always mark the start of the month or the week, midnight and midday, the full hour etc.

Bar Charts

Setting the Highstock configuration options requires no special programming skills. The options are given in a JavaScript object notation structure, which is basically a set of keys and values.

Export Tools Option

You can add very useful export tool option. It allow to export chart in various formats: PNG, JPEG, PDF and SVG.
You can directly print your chart too.

Points Charts

In addition to controling the zooming and panning from the scroller and navigator, you have the option to set mouse and finger zooming and panning.