
Nestable List

Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility (jQuery plugin)

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Item 3
    2. Item 4
    3. Item 5
      1. Item 6
      2. Item 7
      3. Item 8
    4. Item 9
    5. Item 10
  3. Item 11
  4. Item 12
  1. Item 13
  2. Item 14
  3. Item 15
    1. Item 16
    2. Item 17
    3. Item 18

Draggable Handles

If you're clever with your CSS and markup this can be achieved without any JavaScript changes.

  1. Drag
    Item 13
  2. Drag
    Item 14
  3. Drag
    Item 15
    1. Drag
      Item 16
    2. Drag
      Item 17
    3. Drag
      Item 18
Log Out ?

Are you sure you want to log out?

Press No if youwant to continue work. Press Yes to logout current user.
