Homer - Responsive Admin Theme

Special AngularJS Admin Theme for small and medium webapp with very clean and aesthetic style and feel.

Tables design

Examples of various designs of tables.
This is a basic table design
Name Phone Street Address City Country
Abraham 076 9477 4896 294-318 Duis Ave Vosselaar Belgium
Phelan 0500 034548 680-1097 Mi Rd. Lavoir Pakistan
Raya (01315) 27698 Ap #289-8161 In Avenue Santomenna Burkina Faso
Azalia 0500 854198 226-4861 Augue. St. Newtown Christmas Island
Garth (01662) 59083 3219 Elit Avenue Ternitz Saint Martin
Selma 0877 118 6905 P.O. Box 410, 7331 Nec, St. Glenrothes Korea, North
This is a condensed basic table
Name Phone Street
Henry Purus Gravida Sagittis Limited 055 1753 4032
Shelly Posuere Enim Inc. 0313 143 2317
Edan Quisque Imperdiet Company 076 1743 8649
Sophia Quam Incorporated 0863 826 7513
Griffith Tempor Erat Corp. 0845 46 45
This is a striped table design
Name Phone Street
Henry Purus Gravida Sagittis Limited 055 1753 4032
Shelly Posuere Enim Inc. 0313 143 2317
Edan Quisque Imperdiet Company 076 1743 8649
Sophia Quam Incorporated 0863 826 7513
Griffith Tempor Erat Corp. 0845 46 45
This is a bordered striped basic table
Name Phone Street Address City Country
Abraham 076 9477 4896 294-318 Duis Ave Vosselaar Belgium
Phelan 0500 034548 680-1097 Mi Rd. Lavoir Pakistan
Raya (01315) 27698 Ap #289-8161 In Avenue Santomenna Burkina Faso
Azalia 0500 854198 226-4861 Augue. St. Newtown Christmas Island
Garth (01662) 59083 3219 Elit Avenue Ternitz Saint Martin
Selma 0877 118 6905 P.O. Box 410, 7331 Nec, St. Glenrothes Korea, North
This is a bordered striped and responsive table
Name Phone Street Address City Country
Abraham 076 9477 4896 294-318 Duis Ave Vosselaar Belgium
Phelan 0500 034548 680-1097 Mi Rd. Lavoir Pakistan
Raya (01315) 27698 Ap #289-8161 In Avenue Santomenna Burkina Faso
Azalia 0500 854198 226-4861 Augue. St. Newtown Christmas Island
Garth (01662) 59083 3219 Elit Avenue Ternitz Saint Martin
Selma 0877 118 6905 P.O. Box 410, 7331 Nec, St. Glenrothes Korea, North